Friday, January 9, 2009

Wedding Dates

I wonder, again...

Why I go to Loh Tit Put for the chinese wedding date selection, coz I 'm comfortable by not following where everyone goes.. Loh Kim Put which I heard are so commercialize and damn expensive RM200?. End up, unluckily, that uncle of 94 years old fall ill when i finally decided on the date and to get him to write the auspicious timing. So.. after many times of contacting him, me and my then bf decided to go to another fortune teller. Our RM130 gone.. melesap.. fooosh.. just like that.

So we went to Loh Tim Kee. This shop has a lady sifu who came in from Thursday till Sunday from 11am to 4pm to choose the wedding dates just like Loh Tit Put. She need not use computer, just search in the Tung Seng and its customize. Me and hubby just sat there like 2 pupils waiting for the teacher to spell out the verdict... ppl passing by road side.. relatives, mothers, daughter, son.. in the shop browsing for the traditional things to buy for the chinese customary wedding.. mainly the guo dai lai stuff and the actual day stuff.. . Finally got our timing.. 2 different dates to choose, if not happy with it can find this sifu again F.O.C. so good. total damage this time RM90. Great!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

About Kiss The Brides

A bit of here and there, ideas, informations, Trends and gossips sharing.
Everything about Wedding of course..

I got the idea to start this blog just for passing time and to write up on wedding. I miss my own wedding so much, although its not perfect, I do have some grudges, regrets and dissapointment I'll brag about it later, hope anyone who stumble upon it find it useful or entertaining perhaps.
KISS THE BRIDES. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino